Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day: A Mass Communication Case Study?

Today is Blog Action Day!

According to their Web site, Blog Action Day queries, “What would happen if every blog published posts discussing the same issue, on the same day?” They conclude, “One issue. One day. Thousands of voices.”
What a great idea to unite voices of mass communication for awareness of a great cause. Blog Action Day is about blog posts about the environment that still pertain to the bloggers typical topic.

Correlating PR and the environment is harder than you may think. However, I think we should take today to remind ourselves to not fall into the trap of taking the environment for granted. While this is stereotypical, I think it is common for the PR type to become too consumed with their to-do list to see the big picture. We need not let our proliferated technologies completely take over, and instead think about what we are doing. Turn off auto pilot, appreciate the world around us, and think about the importance of preserving it.

This is my small reflection and support of Blog Action Day.

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