Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Wake-Up Call

The nearing of the holidays is directly proportional to how busy we are all getting. However, it is also a reminder to how we should handle all of this stress. There was a great post on The Bad Pitch Blog a while back entitled, "Dudes, Stop your Belly Aching." Richard Laermer outlines advice for PR types to stop their complaining.

While I (almost always) struggle to control my road rage, 'tis the season to realize there is more to life. My favorite of Richard's points is that we need to stop acting like everything is so urgent. While there are deadlines and due dates, the assignments will get done whether I stress over them or not.

Also remember to compliment more and stop complaining. It's way too easy to complain. Going with the flow whether it is leading up to the holidays or during those sometimes stressful holiday family dinners beats being a negative Nancy any day!


Cameron C. Aldrich said...

"And don't sin by letting anger gain control over you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a mighty foothold to the Devil."
-Ephesians 4:26

Optimism, Compliments, Honesty, Care, & Devotion are all key signs to a good-willed and powerful human being. Everyone should spend more time making others feel good about themselves. Seize the Day!!!

Happy Holidays,

Ashley BBZ said...

Hey! I linked to you to do the "7 Random Facts" thing on your blog. You can switch it around to fit your blog or whatever, your choice!

Unknown said...

Well said! Worry and stress will not add a day to your life. My grandma said that worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere. Thanks for the reminder KJ!